Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Okay...So Now What?

So you did it, you landed that dream contract, and It was quite possibly everything and more than you could ever hope for. Or perhaps you just graduated from theatre school, in which you'd received accolades from all your teachers, friends and family, for all that you've accomplished. You've posted your photos on Facebook, and added twenty new people to your friend's list. Your recent tweet on your Twitter account reads #livingthedream #grateful #actorslife. Things just couldn't be any better because after all, you've made it, and you're ready to take on the world, except for one thing... what happens now? It was just last week, when you were living out your life on the stage, and, as abruptly as it started, it has now come to an end. All of a sudden many of your new friends are going their separate ways, you no longer have a daily routine to look forward to, the paycheque has stopped, and just like that, you're right back where you started. Welcome to the world of the theatre.
Now before we all decide to slit our wrists,... lets just stop and think about it for a minute. You've just accomplished something you've worked very hard towards, for many, many years. You met and worked with thoughtful, engaging artists, and were able to learn so much from them. You had many wonderful and new life experiences, that you'll be able to draw on for the rest of your life. So, why so blue? There's an old saying that reads "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Well, I'd like to add to that, to read  "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and every show you ever do, is going to close." (It was Benjamin Franklin who came up with the first part, I just added the new part,
Closing night of The Sound of Music
 to suit my needs.)

Having been in the business as long as I have, I have gone through my share of shows coming and going, and projects that have been very special to me, finishing. It's never easy, but, does become easier. Of course I can only speak from my experience, and my perspective as to what works for me. But the way I see it, if you're starting to feel like you're in a rut, you probably are. I remember quite vividly being finished on The Sound of Music. For the next month, everything I cooked had melted cheese on it. Now, most of it was delicious, and I was feeling pretty optimistic, but do remember thinking to myself "this has to stop."
Truth be told, I was always pretty good at recognizing if I was in a rut, and most recently, have come across many friends who are in fact feeling this way. Not all for the same reasons, but all to do with the business of theatre. There's no doubt that this business is a tough haul. At some point or another, no matter who you are, you're going to go through a tough period. There are very few actors in this country who work consistently, and, whether someone works or not, is due to so many circumstances, most of which are beyond our control, and quite often have nothing to do with talent.  Quite often, when a show closes, it's quite easy to be fearful that we may never work again, and when auditions are scarce, we start to panic. But really, why all the fuss?
Now you may be thinking that this is very easy for me to say because I work all the time. Actually, I don't work all the time. In fact, there have been many instances in my life where I haven't worked in months. I may work all summer, then not work again until the following summer or longer. Especially now that I'm older, I'm a very specific hire. The difference is, it seems like I work all the time, as I'm always working on my craft. People often say to me "you're always so busy." Truthfully, I'm busy because I need to be. Holidays aside, If I'm not busy, I'm not productive, and most likely am not growing as an artist. For me personally, I need to be fulfilled, and a big part of that, is doing whatever I need to do, to enable my growth as an artist.
Admittedly, I am lucky that I teach, as that always makes me feel a part of things, but for me, that is never enough. I have found over the years, that once a show closes, or project finishes, what works best for me, is to become a student again. I usually take a few days off, then am right back at it, taking whatever classes are within my reach and budget. If money is an issue, I have vocal classes recorded that I can practice. Most recently, I came across a free acting seminar with a teacher from L.A. and jumped on it. Fitness has always been a big part of my work, and quite honestly lifts my mood.  There was one point in my life where I had very little money to take class, but at my gym, they had a studio and a ballet barre that I was able to take advantage of. It wasn't ideal, but it was something. The point is, I don't sit around and get sad because it's over.   I'm thankful that it happened, and then I'm on to working towards whatever may be next.

Most recently, I met a struggling actor who had just moved here from Montreal. He was mid thirties, non union, and was in the midst of trying to establish himself in a new city. I asked him how he coped, with very little at his disposal. He told me that every week, he got together with a group of actors to do scene study and script readings, as none of them had the means to take class at the moment. Earlier this season I did a Confidential Musical Theatre Project, in which I worked with many talented actors. I remember one in particular who blew my mind with both her voice and energy. This actor was vivacious, interesting, and a major force to be reckoned with. I was stunned to find out that although she had been in the business a long time, her career was just starting to take off now. The point is, these people are sticking with it, and really, for someone like me, they are the ones, I draw on for inspiration.

I remember quite vividly, reading one of the late Uta Hagen's books on acting, (for those of you who aren't familiar with who she is, she was a renowned, New York  actor and teacher), in which she expressed how taken a back she always was, when friend's of hers would say things like "You're such a wonderful actor, it's a shame you're not working." You see, in her mind, she was always working. If she wasn't doing a show at that given moment, she was always developing new exercises and trying new things, to enhance her craft. That was something that has always stuck with me.

So, schools out, your show closed...get over it, and get busy. By all means, allow yourself a little down time, but if you're starting to feel like you're in a rut, do something about it. Go to class, write, work on some music, challenge yourself and take something that's totally out of your comfort zone, and by all means if you're whining, stop, and take in to consideration the numerous actors who just wish, they had had, the same opportunities afforded to you. If you have the opportunity, travel. Although I'm a big advocate of working hard, seeing the world and experiencing different cultures, in my mind, is invaluable.
In Sitges, Spain. Travel is important!
Although this can be a tough time, this can also be an amazing time of self discovery. That in itself is exciting. So take advantage, enjoy the ride, bumps and all, it's what makes us human, keeps us humble, and makes us interesting.
And remember... Who cares if life doesn't turn out exactly as planned.  Sometimes, it's even better!

Stephen Scott Findlay
A.K.A. The Oldest Male Chorus Dancer, (who's now getting character roles because I work really hard), in Toronto